My New Year Ritual
In this blog I share the New Year ritual that I start every January. It is a coaching tool that will help you reflect on the entire year.
Happy New Year everyone! I think it’s fair to say this past year has been a tough one for us all. Even more so a reason to look back on it, on the new perspectives gained, and to celebrate us for having overcome those challenges. Well done to us! It has made us stronger and more resilient for life.
I really like this transition period from one year into the next when everything is slowing down. It’s such a good time to reflect back on the year, check in with yourself and your learnings. But sometimes the year goes by so fast and looking back, everything seems to be a blur. One big blur. We can’t really remember anymore what were our highs, our lows, our learnings.
That’s why I have a ritual that I stick to over the year that makes this reflective process easier, and fun.
Welcome to the Happy Jar!
The Happy Jar ritual will help you, and everyone else in your household who wants to join in, to keep track of your impressions over the year and review them either alone or together at the end of the year.

How to start your own Happy Jar ritual in this new year:
- Take a jar or a box (I take a simple, clean jam jar)
- Cut a Din A4 paper into small pieces of paper so that you have 52 small pieces of paper, one for each week of the year
- Name each of the 52 papers with your name and the week number (To keep it as short as possible I name mine E1, E2…E52)
- Pick one day of the week when you will fill your Happy Jar (I aim to do this every Sunday)
- Write your impression of the week, e.g. what is one good thing that happened to you? What was your high, or your low? What did you learn?
- Fold the paper so that your name and the week number show on the outside of each paper
- At the end of the year, pour all 52 folded papers out in front of you. Sort them from week 1 – 52 (I generally do this on the last day of the year)
- Open them. Have fun reviewing the year and celebrating yourself for all you have experienced!
Have a great start into this new year!
High vibes to you,
x Ellen
If you would like my help in realising your vision, goals and wildest dreams for your career and life this year, send me an email. If you are looking for clarity about your purpose this year, get started with my free clarity guide. Download it here.

Ellen Million
Ellen Million is a certified Leadership and Career Coach and Business Trainer on Self-Leadership, accredited by the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC). With a focus on empowering busy professionals, Ellen encourages her clients to slow down in order to speed up, integrating work and life seamlessly. She has worked with renowned brands such as On Running, lululemon, and NatWest, combining proven strategies with a personal approach to help individuals reconnect with their values, clarify their vision, and take bold action toward meaningful goals.